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SureImpact Announces Dwight Smith and Kristy Campbell as New Board Members

COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 2, 2022—SureImpact, the leader in impact management software that empowers mission-driven organizations to manage, measure, and communicate their unique social impact, today announced the appointment of Dwight Smith and Kristy Campbell to SureImpact’s board of directors.

“I am delighted to welcome the leadership, knowledge, and expertise which both Dwight and Kristy bring to our board of directors,” said Sheri Chaney Jones, CEO and Founder of SureImpact. “As we continue to scale operations and accelerate our growth, I am excited to have two very experienced and successful leaders join and help us drive our long-term vision.”

Dwight Smith has over forty years of experience in the IT industry. He is the founder, president and CEO of Sophisticated Systems, Inc. in Columbus. Sophisticated Systems provides businesses with a comprehensive set of information technology solutions to drive results, from project staffing, assessments to fully outsourced managed services.

Smith is very active in the Columbus community and believes that it is an honor to be in a position to contribute to the community. In 1998, Smith established a non-profit foundation, TBTG (Thanks Be To God) to provide assistance to children in our community and around the world. In 2015, two additional donor advised funds were also established, The Rubye Irene Smith Youth Initiative Donor Advised Fund to support efforts in his hometown of Springfield, Ohio and My Special Word. Smith’s passion for serving those in need, his deep experience participating on boards of directors, and his technology expertise will provide important leadership for SureImpact.

Kristy Campbell leads operations for Rev1 Ventures, the investor startup studio providing strategic services and capital to help startups scale and corporates innovate. She supports cross-team delivery of client services and supports client access to investment capital. Campbell also leads Rev1’s Inclusive Entrepreneurship efforts, focused on reducing bias and improving access to resources and capital for women, minority, and underrepresented inventors and entrepreneurs. Prior to joining Rev1, Campbell spent her career working within multiple high-growth, venture-backed startups, helping to build their brands, organize effective teams, grow revenue and scale. She held leadership positions at Manta Media – where she helped to grow the company into one of the largest, most trafficked websites in the U.S. – and Saama Technologies, a global leader in AI and data analytics.

Kristy serves on the advisory board for Cultivate SMB, a small business incubator and advisory partner in Grove City. She is also an advisor to the START Fund, the Columbus region’s first entrepreneur giving fund, launched by Rev1 in 2016 to encourage entrepreneurs to give back to the community that supports them. Campbell will provide purpose-driven leadership as SureImpact continues to expand its impact.

In 2021, SureImpact expanded to 53 U.S. markets, giving social-good providers in areas such as housing, employment services, youth and family services, and mental health a powerful data-collection and impact-reporting infrastructure.

About SureImpact

SureImpact is the only impact management and reporting solution that is specifically designed for social-good providers and their funders. SureImpact was built by people who have spent the last 20 years helping thousands of nonprofits, foundations, and government organizations use data to solve social problems and create equitable client outcomes. SureImpact takes case management to a new level, helping all members of a social-good network prove individuals, families, and communities are better off because of the work they are doing. SureImpact meets compliance requirements and gives social-good providers the flexibility to measure short, medium, and long-term outcomes, and effortlessly demonstrate their success to funders and other stakeholders.

Media Inquiries:

Laurel Rodriguez Director of Marketing SureImpact, Inc.


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