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How to Maximize the Impact of Your Social-Service Collaborative

Social-service collaboratives bring together a variety of organizations in order to match the unique needs of its communities and help them thrive. Collaboratives are responsible for building a strong social-service infrastructure that increases the capacity of participating organizations and dramatically improves outcomes for those receiving services. In addition, collaboratives must be able to demonstrate their impact and convince funders that they deliver a strong social return on their investment. This is no small undertaking.

In order to ensure maximum impact across the community, collaboratives have a great responsibility to establish shared outcome measures and gather and analyze large quantities of information. Without the right technology, this can be too time-consuming and complicated due to the number, data capacity, and varied type of organizations providing services in the collaborative. What collaboratives need is a unified data collection and reporting infrastructure that connects all participating organizations and provides real-time insights into the collective impact of the collaborative.

SureImpact was built for the social sector by people who have been working in the government, nonprofit, and collective impact initiatives for over twenty years and have a deep understanding of the unique needs of social-service organizations and their funders. SureImpact is specifically designed to provide the coordinated data collection infrastructure for collaboratives to evaluate the effectiveness of their collective impact initiatives. By implementing the same mechanisms to track and report outcomes and measure participant needs across all of the participating organizations, collaboratives can more easily achieve reductions in their cost per success, which can then be scaled across all of the participating organizations for even greater outcomes. SureImpact helps collaboratives:

Improve Performance

SureImpact’s collaborative model enables backbone organizations and funders to define the client demographics and performance measures they want providers to track in order to show how measures of social change are improving over time. Each provider’s sponsored SureImpact license contains the same data collection requirements, improving the quality of data collection for the entire network.

Turn Data into Insight

Backbone organizations and funders have access to real-time outcomes dashboards that show the de-aggregated, de-identified client-level data from their entire collaborative. The SureImpact collaborative license enables funders to measure the year-over-year performance of each provider and cross-compare it with other providers the network.

Enable Longitudinal Data Tracking

SureImpact enables collaboratives to measure and track client and program outcomes longitudinally. As individuals move through multiple systems and programs, SureImpact enables collaboratives to map out and predict future needs with higher accuracy. By creating longitudinal social records, collaboratives can not only track the services that individuals have accessed (and their outcomes as a result of receiving these services), but they can also track family relationships across multiple organizations, programs, and services.

Increase Data Capacity for Providers

SureImpact enables backbone organizations and funders to increase the technology capacity of participating providers in order to improve the sustainability and effectiveness of the organizations. Providers have the technology necessary to quickly enter client information, share data, measure impact, and provide closed-loop referrals to other services in the community. This increased technology capacity also benefits backbone organizations and funders. Instead of grant managers having to manually review cumbersome spreadsheets, each provider enters their own data and standardized outcomes metrics directly into SureImpact, saving grant managers countless hours and headaches.

Communicate Impact

SureImpact drives the alignment between actions and outcomes by standardized measure and real-time outcome dashboards that are unique to each member of the collaborative. Frontline staff have dashboards that show the individual outcomes for clients assigned to that staff member. Non-profit executives have access to a dashboard that shows the outcomes for the entire organization. A backbone organization or funder has access to a dashboard that displays the collective impact of everyone in the collaborative. These dashboards give providers the insights they need to manage and improve their work and funders a way to understand and share the impact of their investments.

To learn more about how SureImpact can empower your social-service collaborative, watch our on-demand webinar "Back to the Basics: Communicating Impact


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